07450 962 526
Culture Really Does Matter
Strategies For Cultural Change

Changing the culture within an organisation is vital to improving processes, productivity and overall workplace happiness. It’s incredible the positive. Long-term effects that cultural change can have within any type of business or organisation.  

As workplace culture experts, the team at Cultural Change has created a highly effective intervention framework that guides businesses and organsations in changing their workplace culture for the better.  

Our goal is not to overhaul your culture or take full control of the culture within your organisation. Instead, we aim to work with you to create a more open, diverse culture that stays true to your business's values and ways of working.  

By working together and using the cultural change practices and framework that we have developed over many years, we can implement a positive workplace culture that not only improves the daily mood of your employees but also enhances your businesses way of working.  

Through our strategies for cultural change, we can improve your employee's productivity, communication within your workplace and the overall social and cultural aspects of your business or organisation. 


How to change the culture within an organisation: Intervention design 

To change the culture within an organisation we work with you to enable you to lead the design of an intervention framework.

We feel that by giving businesses and orgnastions the tools and understanding of effective cultural change, they can then create a framework that is best suited for their organisation’s cultural change project.  

To facilitate the creation of this essential intervention framework, we would use a full intervention framework embedded in our Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification programme.

The design framework includes 3 core modules:  

Module 1: Cultural Diagnosis 

This module introduces research methods that are ideally suited to identifying cultural change ‘blockers’ and ‘enablers’. The module then explores how to work with these groups to deliver successful cultural change.  

Diagnosing the culture at work that is disabling strategic change, or hindering organisational effectiveness, is one of the most important elements of changing the culture within an organisation for the better.  


Module 2: Intervention Design 

The second module in our intervention framework would typically involve teaching a mix of change technologies that can be optimised to ensure the perfect solution is applied to any cultural change situation.  

The output of this module would be a full intervention design framework that can help guide the cultural goals of your organisation for years to come. 


Module 3: Enabling Successful Intervention 

This final module would ensure that you are confident the intervention is being carried out smoothly and in line with the cultural change programme.  

Our cultural change experts will explain the full range of technical support required for the key stages of the cultural change intervention and work with you to ensure the new intervention framework is properly finalised and implemented so that the culture within your organisation or business begins to shift towards the desired outcome.  


Get in touch

If you feel like the culture within your organisation needs to be changed, improved or adapted, and you are interested in using our highly-effective implementation framework to make the desired cultural changes, then get in touch! 

You can call us on 07450 962 526 to discuss our cultural change services in more detail or email us at [email protected]

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more