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Culture Really Does Matter
Organisational Culture Assessment

Wondering what organisational culture is? Let us tell you! 

Organisational culture is, in essence, the way that a company (and its employees) works together and responds to daily situations. Organisational culture is an accumulation of values, habits, practices and expectations that form the daily working pattern of the people within a company.  

If we think of a company or organisation as a person, the organisational culture is their personality.  

If your corporate culture encourages and promotes positive personality traits, you will find that your organisational culture helps improve productivity, workplace happiness and employee satisfaction.  

However, if your corporate culture is unbalanced and dysfunctional, you’ll find that productivity drops, employees become unsatisfied and the workplace culture becomes toxic and unstainable.


The benefits of great organisational culture 

The advantages of a well-fostered organisaitonl culture are clear to see. Good team culture in the workplace helps: 

  • Employees gain a clear understanding of how management wants them to respond to any situation 
  • Employees feel comfortable and confident when faced with difficult situations  
  • Encourage employees to demonstrate the organisation's values through a reward system  
  • Improve the general atmosphere amongst staff 
  • Management implement a clear structure for employee work patterns  
  • Encourages all staff to work “off the same page”.  


How can you help improve my organisational culture?  

As fully qualified and experienced researchers specialising in unpacking culture at work, the team at Cultural Change have developed an innovative Organisational Cultural Assesement Tool which can be applied to the following outcomes: 

1. Corporate cultural study: This involves writing a descriptive account of culture at work to reveal the cultural themes, meaning systems, beliefs, values and assumptions which both constrain and enable the positive engagement of a management team or a staff group. This approach is very useful in advance of a cultural change project and can also be employed to enable the successful integration of departments or separate organisations.

2. Sub culture analysis: Organisations do not host one integrated unequivocal culture. It is our view that organisations are composed of a network of subcultures through which the activities of the organisation are mediated.  We can use the research data to advise the client of ways that dominant cultural themes at the level of sub cultural analysis may inhibit or energise future strategy applications.

3. Staff Engagement Survey (S.E.S) Evaluating the strenghth of staff enagagement  in relaton to their connection with their role, their colleagues, the organisations vision, ideal values and beliefs, and leadership teams.

If you feel like this Orgnaisational Cultural Assessment Tool would be beneficial for your organisation and you would like to find out more about how it works, how it can help, and most importantly, how to implement it, please contact the team at Cultural Change today.

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

A Story of Organisational Change : The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect is a light hearted story of organisational change enabled by leadership development and personal transformation.