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Culture Really Does Matter
Cultural Change Presentations

If you are embarking on an organisational development intervention that involves leadership, motivational issues, team working, attitude orientation, values or paradigm intervention we can share our specialist knowledge with you in ways that can provide you with greater strategic choices.

  • Cultural change presentations. We can deliver presentations which introduce your team to the main concepts and practical intervention strategies that underpin cultural change work.
  • Cultural change workshops. We can facilitate team based work-shops to enable your team to play with the ideas relating to cultural change work and to challenge established assumptions and build motivation to move forward through increased knowledge.
  • Supporting your intervention. Throughout your change programme we can work with your team to construct and deliver innovative presentations that position conceptual and practical insights to boost the vitality of team members and project streams.

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

A Story of Organisational Change : The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect is a light hearted story of organisational change enabled by leadership development and personal transformation.