07450 962 526
Culture Really Does Matter
Change Leadership Coaching

As much as changing the culture within an organisation is important for workplace happiness, productivity and overall employee satisfaction, no cultural changes will truly take place without effective leadership.

It is vital that the leadership and management personnel within your business or organisation are committed to the cultural change cause and are best placed to carry the cultural change process forward.  

It is essential for leaders and managers to embody the culture of an organisation for it to then trickle down to each department and section. Without effective leadership at the very top level, the implementation of a new cultural change programme will fail. 


Why effective leadership is key to cultural change 

Throughout your cultural change programme, there may be a requirement for ‘topping up’ the leadership capacity throughout your organisation. Cultural change work is very demanding and it requires a network of leaders collaborating to transform the culture at work.  

During such a stimulating period it is advisable to make available an effective leadership coaching resource to those in leadership and management positions within your organisation. This will undoubtedly be a valuable resource for those who will be expected to lead critical aspects of the cultural change programme. 

This effective leadership coaching resource would typically involve a process of learning where the distinction between management and leadership lies, teaching the advanced leadership qualities needed within a client group and implementing a 360-degree feedback mechanism to gauge the leadership/follower dynamic that is currently in progress.  

We advocate a mentoring approach which can be mediated through the following processes: 

  • Skype one-to-one coaching 
  • Person-to-person coaching 
  • Corporate leadership coaching 


How Change Leadership Coaching can help your organisation  

The change leadership coaching processes we would employ would make sure that your organisation’s leadership and management capacities are effectively enhanced and best prepared to lead the cultural change project that you have committed to.  

In relation to corporate leadership growth, the mentoring process can also involve the development of internal leadership development programmes designed specifically to suit the needs of different leadership groupings found throughout your business or organisation. 

We firmly believe that our well-structured leadership coaching course will work wonders for your organisation’s leadership and management.  

Using the course to enhance the level of effective leadership found in your organisation will also complement the main cultural change programme that you have committed to implementing.


Get in touch to improve your leadership and management  

To take advantage of the fantastic leadership coaching offered by Cultural Change, simply get in touch today and together we can set out a highly-effective leadership coaching plan to assist your organisation's needs in the best way possible. 

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and together we can create the effective leadership qualities needed to shift your company’s culture for the better. 

You can call us directly on 07450 962 526. 

Or email us at [email protected]  

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more

The Cultural Change Practitioners Tool Kit - Click on the image to know more