'Mastering your skills as a leader of cultural change through Action Learning'
CULTURAL CHANGE CONSULTANCY AND LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATION is a unique action learning programme aimed at HR Managers, Operational Managers, Heads of Department and Senior Team Leaders involved in leading and managing cultural change in their organisations.
It is also very suitable for Business Coaches involved in Executive Coaching and Change Consultants who are seeking to specialise in the cultural dimension
of change management consultancy
The course programme accessed at https://www.culturalchange.co.uk/ under 'Training Products'.
Leading a cultural change intervention within an organisation is a highly specialised activity.
Whether you are a manager responsible for initiating and co-ordinating the programme or a coach or consultant supporting cultural change work within an organisation then mastering skills required to achieve successful cultural change is vital.
Our approach to supporting you and your teams is to provide an ‘action learning programme’ through which you can master cultural change skills though a mix of training, coaching and applied practice.
Our action learning programme provides 3 distinctive advantages :
1. A certificate of recognition from the CMI (Chartered Management Institute) upon completion of the course.
2. Throughout the course participants would engage in action learning to acquire the applied skills to develop their preferred cultural change intervention strategy.
3. Your organisation would acquire legacy capabilities regards cultural change leadership and management as well as significantly enhancing established management , leadership and collaborative team working skills.
Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification is a change management development toolkit that works with the ‘planning’, ‘analytical’, and ‘intrapersonal’ skills that produce successful cultural change.
This dynamic course has been independently assessed and approved as a Chartered Management Institute Recognised Programme in relation to a Management and Leadership competency framework known as National Occupational Standards (NOS).
We use an exciting learning strategy that combines innovative ideas with an action learning approach developed around proven change management methods. Our legacy is to leave you with transferable skills that you can
share with your colleagues and which will improve your change leadership capabilities through the acquisition of new learnings and the effective application of change methods. The learning project will incorporate a number of
learning strategies drawn from:
• MBA learnings
• Conscious Leadership
• Action research learnings
• Case study learnings
• Learning by “doing”
This course is very practical and experiential and is based upon Industry best practice examples and cutting edge ideas regards cultural change work.
If you would like to discuss our approach in relation to your own development and strategic operational needs please contact David Potter at [email protected] or message me at LinkedIn David Potter MBA PhD | LinkedIn